Fortnite with Isaiah
So on Monday evening, I texted Isaiah to tell him if he wanted to do a practice tournament. He texted me and said sure. So then i turned on my xbox and got on fortnite. I I invited him and we played one match but we didn’t notice that the tournament started like in two miniutes. So i asked him”Do we leave and wait till the tournament starts? “Sure,” he said. So we left the game and waited. Then i heard that Isaiah was taking turns with his sister. So when the tournament started, Isaiah started to play. I had three kills and she had two. So if we get four kills combined, we get one point if you get top three then you get one point. If you get a win then you get one point also. When the game started we landed at dusty divot and got a couple of kills and then left dusty. Then we went all the way too leaky lake and there was a lot of action there. I got a quad launcher and right away i saw people. They were shooting me thought a cabin. They were camping so i shot the quad launcher through the window and hit one of the teammates. Then i saw his team mate and lasered him with my green AR. Then i peeked to much i and i got sniped. Isaiah’s sister revived me and we started to fight him
She got knocked down and there was two teams shooting at me and i was running out of materizzals. So then I took out my grapler and dipped. I camped in a basement healing. Then I harmed people and i got out of the house. Then i saw this dude and hit him in the face with a pump shotgun. It did 153 damage and he was low on health. So i went to rush him but I didn’t have materials anymore. So then i got a launch pad and dipped from all the action and i went to the basement. Right next to me there was Oreos that i had. Like a lot of Oreos. Then I realized that the storm was coming so i went to the circle and I tried to snipe people but I missed because there was five people left and i got nervous and i kept on missing my snipes. I got nervous because it was a tournament and there was five people left. Then next thing i know is that i got sniped with a heavy sniper. THIRD PLACE. After that it was Isaiah’s turn and for some reason i kept on saying “SHINIQUA” and he started to laugh. Then was kept on playing games and we kept on dying from tryhards. Then my mom came home and found out that her Oreos were gone. She came to me and the Oreos were right beside me and she saw them. Then my mom got mad at me and she took away my phone. So yeah.
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